Friday, February 13, 2009

Captain's log 2-13-2189

We finally made it to outpost today which was good as we could not have lasted much longer. It is nothing short of a miracle that our atmospheric regulators held through the journey. Who knew that we could last for so long on stale captain crunch and vitamin paste for so long. When we first arrived, we were able to dock the ship onto the platform only to discover that the hydraulics of the station had been inert for sometime. Nothing that Mac and Phyllis couldn't handle though. Once loaded onto the outpost we got the outpost's fusion generators working so that we could pressurize and oxygenate the environment and remove our cumbersome space suits. You would think that so many years of space exploration would generate streamlined space suits like those of the early science fiction movies of the 20th century. We had to work very hard to mask the heat signature of the fusion generators as we did not want to attract attention from our friends in the black ships again. After setting up camp and everything we found that the food rations left on the outpost were close to full and the freezer yielded many treasures such as fruits and vegetables. Needless to say we had been away from the basic food groups for some time now and had a mini feast. Now that all the machinery of the outpost is working again and what little had to be fixed has been dealt with, we can stay here for several weeks if need be while Mac works on the ship. After resting for a while we are going to explore other parts of the station to see if we can find anything else of value and to see if we can find out any information as to why this place was abandoned in the first place with no sign of struggle and the food reserves almost completely full. Standard protocol would be that if those stationed here had to abandon for any reason they would need to leave information regarding why. It seems strange that the only information from our ships databank on this outpost was that it was one of the first settlements in this galaxy. This is making less sense by the hour. Hopefully our search will yield helpful information.

~Captain out

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